Originally Posted by Adamjp
I think the point that Zeissman is trying to get across is that NZ has been, and will continue to be a relatively safe place where there is no need to go about armed or to hold a gun for protection against an undefined threat.

One reason for this is the lack of guns in the general population when compared to America.

50 people killed in NZ is a terrible thing to happen. The last one was 1990, then 2019 - 29 years between mass shooting events.

50 people killed is a fraction of the gun deaths in the US each year where 29 months between mass shooting events is unlikely.

Think about relative safety and need for guns to 'protect' yourself. Perhaps other countries have a better attitude than some, perhaps they still have some sense of 'community' instead of their citizens constantly looking to their individual 'rights' rather than their collective responsibilities?

Originally Posted by 12344mag
Originally Posted by zeissman
Well, all I can say is that I have a gut feeling many here do have a firearm for self defence but won't admit to it on any legal document. I may be wrong about that because we don't have the problem you guys have with criminals being armed. Some are obviously, but they tend to be gang members and drug dealers who deal with their own kind.

So you have to lie to your Government to have a fire arm for self preservation............Freedom at it highest level!!

Still no answer on that gun control question?

You sir, are an idiot.

Lets see how well you go holding out against just your local Sheriff's force, let alone state or federal law enforcement. This attitude of 'we will not abide government tyranny and have guns to fight it' is rubbish. A small professionally trained team will overcome a large, disorganised and untrained force any given night. You and your militia buddies are disorganised rabble.

My visits to NZ suggest it is a very free and egalitarian part of the world to live in. Perhaps you should get out of the lower 48 a bit?

So, you think our founding father were fools, creating the 2A, they made a mistake and its time to abolish it for the betterment of all? Now this is it, the world is a violent place, guns or not. maybe bloody wars have been fought and billions have died without the help of guns, Humans are very creative, they will find another way to get evil done and you all we will guns were still legal for all.

Remember the Brits were repelled by iron smiths, farmer etc. because they had the knowledge of many guns.
Do not be deceived politrickians are always with security details who carry guns, they are protected, live in a nice and safe environment. so they don't face the same challenges like the common man. they pretend that they understand how it feels when a 19year old girl is walking home from school or work and don't feel safe. all the antigun activist will change their minds if one of their family member got killed by illegals or due to the fact that they live in a state that couldn't allow them to lawfully carry weapons.
Newzealand, is s small country and doesn't face the same challenges we do so its senseless to use the same ruler to measure the level of fairness for both country.