Originally Posted by JoeBob
Originally Posted by UPhiker
Originally Posted by JoeBob
Originally Posted by IndyCA35
Originally Posted by JoeBob
No one wants to admit it, but Hitler saved western civilization. The official communist doctrine of the time was still to export the revolution militarily. Stalin was going to attack Western Europe. They had already tried it once in 1922 and were beaten back in Poland. Stalin was going to do it again. And though Hitler didn’t win, at the end of the war the Soviets were exhausted and facing another superpower in the west. If Hitler hadn’t attacked the Russians when he did, Stalin would have undoubtedly taken the entirety of Europe with a few years.

That is one of the most uninformed posts I've ever read.

"Hitler saved western civilizatin." Rubbish!

Churchill saved western civilization (with a lot of help from many others).

No, just no. Churchill bankrupted the empire.

Indy is right. The Empire was already going down. India was on the road to independence. There were problems in the Far and Middle East. Better to be bankrupt and free then be taken over by Hitler.

Hitler has no designs on England. There would have been no war with England had they not declared war on Germany over Poland.

you had two madmen, hitler, and stalin, duking it out over who would be top dog, with both having repressive forms of top down government.
unfortunately, my people lived in the crossroads in croatia and slovakia, where they were duking it out. the russians were stopped in the polish war of 1922, and probably would have tried later. And i do think a lot of germans fighting on the eastern front, if not most of them, felt it was a fight against communism. But hitler's insane policies defeated them. There were so many times if he would have stayed out of it, the world would be a different place today. There were a lot of bad decisions based upon his insane decisions.