You’ve littered almost every sub forum on the Fire with posts that have either been completely ignored by all members except you talking back at yourself. Or, you get berated by a few members, and again nothing positive comes outta the exchange.

I read a few members make an attempt at explaining the difficulty members have decoding the style in which you write. You take offense at that as well...

One of my first long posts, I didn’t use any paragraphs. Being new to this site, several members took me apart for the lack of my posts readability...I had to agree and made changes to the way I write my posts, makes it easier for others to understand.

Just a suggestion since you’re posting a lot, and you obviously want members to reply without degrading you and your written word.

Maybe take a little more of your time and write without members needing a secret decoder ring to understand what your saying.

I’m sure you noticed I haven’t attacked you. Called you any bad names or inferred that you’re an idiot or troll...Just thought I’d offer a suggestion to improve your probability of members replying to your posts so you won’t have to talk to yourself...😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”