Originally Posted by jmp300wsm
NM won't get any of my NR money ever again. I have hunted there a few times and it is the most F'd up state in the west for a NR to hunt in regardless of the cost. The outfitters and ranches and LO's control things to an unholy level. I will pay my monies elsewhere. I hope they are able to reform(fix) it but I seriously doubt it will happen in my lifetime.

I don't blame you but you are robbing yourself by not enjoying the outdoor opportunities IMHO. More sad is the elected officials we have now. The pug Michelle LG... even said while running that if she gets in outfitters should have more tags and gun bans would be high on her priorities.

The stupid sheep in this state went for pot and welfare, guess they like being last in everything good.

I love NM though and hope it will change for the better some day.

Good Shooting!