YES I disagree with what they list as ideal. The only thing you can get that is ideal is by checking and experimenting yourself. most people want to mount the scope low as they can to the bore, but they do this without regard to weather or not that is the best fit for the individual or weather the stock design calls for that or not. what I do is try a couple options mount the gun to my shoulder and see if I get a clear view through the scope. I can quickly tell if I am looking too high or too low through the center of the scope and need to make a height adjustment. I find in many cases I prefer my scope to be slightly higher than what a lot of other people mount theirs to. Ideally you don't want extra height in your scope mounting. closer to the bore is better purely as a setup. BUT comfort and what is best for you overrides that. you will need to fit this to yourself anyways. because you will need to adjust forward and backward anyways.

I have pretty much standardized all my scope mounting to pic style rings and bases. its quick and easy to remove the scopes and if I want I can move them to other guns easily. here is a video of a S2 with leupold mounted. it uses pic bases and rings like I am saying. although for me I prefer a solid one piece base that spans the action and I usually JB weld bed the rear of the base to the action. but that is going the extra mile.

Last edited by cumminscowboy; 04/15/19.