Originally Posted by passport
This guy comes here to see what the gun is worth then brags about the gross. Just wrong. In no way is that what the fire is about. You guys can have all that ya want but it’s not for me.

Though the place was about like minded people talking and selling guns. It’s azzholes like papalongdog that come here with ZERO knowledge ask what stuff is worth not to further personal knowledge but rather to profit. I have no issue with profit but keep your yap shut. This guy feels the need to brag it up.
Let’s not feed this troll...

You are entitled to your opinion but I don't see the issue. It may be that the OP is trying to rub my nose in the evaluation I offered but I am not taking it that way based on my experiences. The purchase and selling prices are interesting data points for those of us who dabble in the buying and selling of firearms on an occasional basis. It helps to clue one in to upcoming trends or further education on wholesale and retail prices. I see his purchase and selling prices as outliers from my perspectives but it seems the demand is different than the perception of the brand. Or, it is proof positive that there are fish out there who are willing to snap up a given gun for their own reasons no matter the price. I'm one of those for some things and the opposite on others. A "fish" is not to be confused with a "sucker" as the latter is clueless and being taken advantage of while the former typically has knowledge but just wants the object badly enough that reason may be pushed aside. One sees fish at auctions all the time.

You see only a negative here, I see some interesting if not valuable information. That the two opinions are diametrically opposed does not make one or the other invalid. There are some threads where it would be in bad taste to mention buying and selling prices but as this thread pertained to that action, giving prices was not offensive in my opinion. I now know that I could realize a much greater selling price than I expected if such a situation came my way. That would maximize my profit even more than expected and maybe make it worth my while to take a chance if the gun could be had for what I am willing to pay.