My associate called me last night for a little extra help on a C-section he was prepping. Mature Angus cow, empty weight no more than 1200# in good body condition.

Overdue by her ultrasound date, posterior presentation with rear hooves of calf just protruding from her vulva. Huge hooves.

Delivered a heifer calf that was the biggest I've ever seen in 38 years of practice. Hoof tape said 140 lbs, but knew calf was a lot bigger than that. 204# this morning on a scale. Yeah- 204 lbs!

She was bug-eyed, limp as a rag. Thick neck & body. Unable to hold her head up. I checked for for defects, but really didn't find anything obvious. Gave them a guarded prognosis on survival-she was dead when they went out this am.

My previous record was 162# bull calf out of a 1700 lb SimX cow 6 or 8 yrs ago. He lived about a week-never could get up or stand on his own.

I guess "Facebook" says there was a 208# calf this spring out in Nebraska somewhere.

Always drink upstream from the herd...cowdoc...