Originally Posted by hatari
Originally Posted by OrangeOkie
. . . and without shame. Virtually every TV advertisement features a homosexual couple involved together, (where in the past, one would see a married couple) with a product or service. There are male homos, female homos, young, old, thin, fat . . . total depravity without shame . . . thrust into the TV viewer's (adult and child) face . . . as if it is normal behavior, instead of the psychotic behavior it was once viewed as by the medical professions and common society. Why must it be put on public display as normal?

Let me give you a more basic reason. Most of the big PR and AD firms are on Madison Ave in good old NYC. If you've never lived in Manhattan (I was station at Governor's Island). It might be a difficult thing to understand the dynamics of how the city works. First of all, It is a Mecca for every dancer, singer, performer, actor, model in the world. There are endless gorgeous girls in Manhattan, and equally as many gorgeous GAY men. The performing arts are areas the gay men gravitate to, as are hotel and restaurant management, fashion, as well as the classic arts such as painting, sculpture, and music.

Advertising is another area that employees a hefty % of women, and in NYC also gay men. You see, single heterosexual White women have a dating problem. Most of the men in Manhattan are either married or gay. It was explained to me that rarest commodity in Manhattan was a single, heterosexual, college educated, White male. Once that was explained to me in those terms, my social life went to places I previously only dreamed about, but I digress. wink

Since these single White women have problems finding single straight men, they hang out with gay guys, and have no stigma about dating Black men, Asian men, Middle Eastern Men, Martians, or Minotaurs if they can find one.

What does this have to do with commercials? Easy, they reflect that world. Two gay men raising a child. White chic with an Ivy League looking Black dude. White guy with an Asian Chick. Latinos/Latinas with everybody since so many are mixed race. There is no stigma attached to any of this in their world. Also, as MDpointed out, gay males often have 2 high incomes, one household and no kids to waste money on. They gravitate toward the finer things in life from fashion to household amenities, to food and drink. They vacation often and many times opulently. therefore, they have the disposable income to buy stuff. Another reason they are in commercials. AD agency team sitting around looking for an angle to sell customers product:

"Who are we going to sell it to?"

"Gay guys have all the money!"

"Do it!"

Old White dudes that shoot guns ain't buying what they are selling.

Now, don't you just love all the mix race couples living in small town Midwest looking commercials with streets lined with $750,000 homes, Mr. Ivy League Bro and Jennifer Gardner looking wife? Hmmm, when I lived in the Midwest, people of color were few and far between. See, the Madison Avenue crowd THINKS this is how life is, or how it should be based on their experience living in bubble that is Manhattan.

Although I don't know any Black couples and only one mixed race couple, black husband and Asian wife, it has long been my impression that having a white wife is a status symbol (trophy?) for a black man.

I looked at the 2010 Census marriage data and it appears that most people in the U.S. still marry within their own race.

White Husband & White Wife = 97.7%
White Husband & Black Wife = 00.3%
White Husband & Asian Wife = 01.0%
White Husband & Other Wife = 00.9%

Black Husband & White Wife = 08.6%
Black Husband & Black Wife = 89.2%
Black Husband & Asian Wife = 00.9%
Black Husband & Other Wife = 01.3%

Asian Husband & White Wife = 07.0%
Asian Husband & Black Wife = 00.3%
Asian Husband & Asian Wife = 91.8%
Asian Husband & Other Wife = 00.9%

Other Husband & White Wife = 44.0%
Other Husband & Black Wife = 01.6%
Other Husband & Asian Wife = 03.4%
Other Husband & Other Wife = 51.0%

If this data is correct, it would appear to contradict what many advertisers would like us to believe. Joseph Goebbels is supposed to have said that if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The advertising world seems to have embraced this philosophy of lying to achieve their goals.