Compared to the caveman trying to take down a mastodon with a spear, rather than starve.
Compared to slaves and Christian's getting tossed into the arena with hungry predators.
Compared with plague ridden Europe and the 100s of years of the dark ages which followed.
Compared with having 12 kids in the hope one would survive to care for you in your old age.
Compared to the high probability that your wife would die in child birth.
Compared to scratching the barren soil 17 hours/day six days/week trying to get enough food to get through another winter.
Compared to any noble man lopping your head off with impunity if you failed to bow deep enough or quickly enough.
Compared to getting burned at the stake if you questioned the word of the local preist.
Compared to the ravages of influenza, cholera, typhus, smallpox, polio, gonorrhea, syphilis, deadly infections from the slightest of wounds or scratches, etc, etc.
Compared to the horrors visited upon conquered nations by Alexander, Ghengis Khahn, or Ceasar,.
Compared to the horrors of WW I and WW II.

How could one not recognize today as "Heaven on Earth"? The trials and tribulations experienced by the vast majority of us alive today are pretty inconsequential.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.