I used a Buck 110 folder exclusively for about the first 15 years of my hunting career. I also used it for a lot of field dressing and necropsies while we were collecting deer during that period.

In 1977, before my first trip to Wyoming, I bought a Kershaw Folding Field with a 3" blade. I loved that knife and it was on my belt for all of my outdoor work and play until it vanished about nine years ago, while I was helping a hunting buddy break down a big bull elk. I bought another one before the next elk hunt, and it is still the one on my belt when I am hunting.

(I know right where I lost the first one and I have returned several times since to see if it has magically resurfaced--unfortunately, it has not.)

However, I now own a half-dozen or so hunting knives, including another 110 folder with the S30V steel. There are at least two of them in the day pack when I am hunting.

So far, I haven't been able to convince myself to try a Havalon or one of its clones. Maybe next year...

Last edited by mudhen; 05/19/19.


Some days it takes most of the day for me to do practically nothing...