Originally Posted by Talus_in_Arizona
The Havalon has no cool factor. I just inferred a backpack scenario. All my cool knives stay home, except for Campfire meetups 😉

Jeff, a couple years I carried 2 paring knives and a 4" rapala for boning, which isn't a cool setup but very effective.

Thanksgiving weekend on 'kill the son in law hunt' aptly named by my SIL. First day was heavy rain, foot of snow over night, raging creeks and he killed a spike the afternoon of the second day. We had less than 2 hours to get back 2 miles. I wanted to be on the flat trail by dark not still in the rough. I skinned one side and boned the meat, he loaded a pack, then flipped it and did the other side. All packed in 45 minutes, made it to the trail and then the miles back to the truck right before dark, no headlights needed. Weighed my pack on the bathroom scale and it was 87lbs.

I admit to using a certain knife because of cool factor if time permits, otherwise it's get out of the way, peel this critter now.
