Agree with others a cold chill when I read she shot him as he was driving away.....that ain’t self defense. But....I would have done the same thing I suspect. I had a dear friend here in SW GA who did the exact same thing. Caught two guys spotlighting on his farm. Only difference is they shot at him first, drove away. He took his deer rifle out of his truck and shot one of the fellas as he was speeding away. His shot blew out the guys back and he was DRT.

This is SWGA, plantation country, old families, old money. Still....that guy ended up having the fight of his life to avoid prison....and the jury was very stacked in his favor! Still, it took a team of Philadelphia, Atlanta, and local lawyers to keep him out of prison.

Hope the lady is ok.

You only live once, but...if you do it right, once is enough.