Originally Posted by kragman1
So, are there good Kel-Tec models and bad ones, or just generally sketchy quality?

Manufacturing quality is good. No canted barrels, misfit wood, missing parts, etc.
But some of their creations are ugly, and they use plastic everywhere, so people relate that to "quality". For the noob, it can be hard to separate form from function. And Kel Tec offers function that is often unmatched. And even when Ruger copies them, the results are often heavier, larger.

And just when everything makes sense, KelTec does stuff like the KSG - a 14 shot shotgun. Why? Must be be for the same guy who likes the Judge and dreams of being attacked by killer pumpkins.

If you want a 4lb 9mm carbine, you don't look to Ruger - you buy Keltec. Want a 5lb 5.56 folding carbine? Only KelTec.

Probably my biggest beef with KelTec is their lack of manufacturing capacity. They certainly don't have a problem with selling their products.