Originally Posted by Dirtfarmer
If I had a collector grade, too nice to shoot or if doing so would risk cracking the stock, I’d sell it.


Well, that's why you're not a collector, Boo Boo!
Seriously I agree with you. Which is why I have a very nice rifle I paid a pretty good penny for that I named "The Liberated Queen", as in a liberated safe queen. Silly me, I think rifles were built to do what rifles are supposed to do. Meaning, I very much might be willing to shoot a collector grade rifle. But if I won't, I won't keep it around either. Unless I'm convinced it is a good investment. All that said, two things: I won't irreversibly alter a collector grade gun, even if I shoot it. It is a lot easier to have my attitude with standard .270 and .30-06 rifles than with Africans or Featherweight Super Grades!!!

Edit to add: That first line is a takeoff from Charlie Wilson's War, where one of his seriously hot aides says:
Congressman, (don't remember the name) wants to know if you've ever been to rehab?
What'd you tell them?
No, because they don't serve whiskey there.
That's why you're the press secretary, Boo Boo.

Last edited by GunDoc7; 06/04/19.

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