Lonny & Field Grade: Good for you guys gettin after'em!
What a beautiful day it looks like for your venture.
Speaking of nearly shooting ones antenna "off" I have seen that very thing happen on three occasions.
I have also seen at least 10 side view mirrors on pickup trucks "shot"! That can be an expensive fix.
In addition I have heard of two roofs of pickup trucks shot holes in to!
And one floorboard of a rental truck blasted a hole into (223!)
Over the years I have had shorter in stature "shooters" zing my hood on my VarmintMobiles! That is also not a cheap fix.
In fact I have a "crease" in my VarmintMobiles hood right now - caused by a shorter person not using do caution.
I carry a fence wire repair kit in my VarmintMobile and have had to repair 20 strands, at least, over the last 50 years of "Squirrel Hunting"
In high volume shooting situations it behooves folks to constantly check for muzzle clearance and obstacles out front.
Glad you guys had a safe and wonderful day afield.
Hold into the wind