So here's where I find "make offer" propositions screwed up in on-line auctions. To me, when somebody says "OBO" it means that they might entertain an offer below their asking price. In contrast, to me, it seems like sellers in on-line auctions expect a buyer to come in with an offer greater than what they are asking and that's kind of fd' up. Why would anyone do that as that is what an auction is all about - driving up the sale price. So you might as well just let the auction run its natural course. As a buyer, I would take the chance of someone out bidding me or the bid going over what I was willing to pay but c'est le vie and BFD! There always will be something else interesting coming down the pike.

"The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle." John Stapp - "Stapp's Law"
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