Originally Posted by JBLEDSOE

( Sitka deer said;

Steel wool has no place in stock work, ever. That despite the fact it was used for a very, very long time.)

Little does he know--- Been using steel wool on stocks for over half a century. Works great if you know how.

Please! Please! Do not believe me! Make a sample board and look at it under magnification and do another without the steel wool and you will stand a very good chance of seeing exactly why.

I did my first stock in '65. I used lots of steel wool until I found out why it is a bad idea. More to the point there are far better, easier ways to avoid the hazards produced by steel wool.

I have shown many how to test it and none believed in steel wool after.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.