Have grilled, baked and fried them but have never canned fish or meat. Brookies I have always pan fried in butter or bacon grease especially for breakfast. Easy to get up early catch a few and then have breakfast.
Grilled - over fires or coals with just salt and pepper or on a flat grill on the stove or propane even done it on a flat rock over a fire.
Baked - in the oven,wrapped in foil stuffed with green onions, garlic, bits of apple or orange/ lemon, sometimes almonds and butter or under coals.
Fried - in oil or bacon grease covered with cornmeal or cornmeal/flour mix, sometimes just salt and pepper and into the oil.


A person who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes the person who never asks is a fool forever.

The worst slaves are those that put the chains on themselves.