Pearl Harbor was a puric victory for the Japanese, they Sank or damaged 21 ships of the U.S. Navy Pacific Fleet, 18 of them would be refloated, repaired and returnd to service. The Japanese did have Courage and a lot of it, so much so it clouded judgement at the highest levels of their command. Operationally they should have looked for a way out after New Guinea or Coral Sea, and they should have asked what was required after Midway, it would have cost the Japanese a whole lot less. All they would have had to do was to leave China, that was a loosing deal for them anyway. Hind sight as they aways say is 20/20. In the end it really dose not matter things turned out the way the turned out. The pacific war was a tough long fight, just as this current one. I think that there was more of a Will to close with the enemy then. How this current one is going to pan out is anybodys guess.

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov