My family came to Oregon in the 1850's, and I absolutely love the geography and lifestyle of Southern Oregon. That said, Gov Brown Shirt is over the top. She's corrupt as a they get, no respect for anyone remotely center to conservative. Walk lock step with her Marxist agenda or you're enemy #1. Out of the dozen or so LEO's I'm around, including some OSP troopers, none would follow her illegal orders to arrest the State Senators. The Infantry/Cavalry National Guardsmen in the state won't follow her illegal orders. She is going to have a very hard time in office, enforcing her crazy with a bunch of REMF fobbits. The logger/trucker rally on Salem woke a few of the D Senators who changed their vote on the climate change bill, that's why the R's went back to the Senate.

Today a petition was released to get her recall on the November ballot, though no one is expecting that to go very far.