The MSM and the entire left push this amnesty argument like a revolving door.
Have any of them bothered to interview a legal immigrant? And got there opinion on the matter?

Personally I know a few, good people, work hard very productive and are VERY anti-amnesty.
These are people who wanted a better life and brought there skills to American, gained citizenship, and are
productive members of society (and make some really good food)

AOC and the squad talk about discrimination and racism, but have they talked to Jose the restaurateur, or Marco the biologist,
who came here legally and integrated into the American society, and brought some of there culture and traditions, and (in my opinion most important of all) food.

Of course they haven't, these people don't vote for someone who gives away what they fought for.

�The constitution of the United States asserts that all power is inherent in the people, that they may exercise it by themselves, that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed!� � Thomas Jefferson