And a lot of people don't understand that just because an alien is a card holder or a US citizen doesn't mean they came here legally.

Lots of Cubans that are here today came here ILLEGALLY. But they claimed refugee/asylum after their arrest so were processed for a card. Some die with that card. Others go on to naturalize so they are US citizens. But they still entered the country illegally.

Of course a lot of old school Cubans speak against and despise communism, but if you were to ask them their feelings on the currents issues they would typically be sympathetic. It's exactly how they entered and gained legal status.

Another thing you'll encounter frequently is people that came here LEGALLY but stayed and became an ILLEGAL alien residing in this country. They usually come from money. Lots of money. So if they are arrested (big if) they get an attorney and explain their sob story and end up staying here legally. But to them it's just an inconvenience. Sorta like you or I would consider driving around with expired registration. If you get caught you fix it and we don't much give a schit.

These are usually the most annoying aliens and the most vocal. Very common attitudes amongst Brazilians, Columbians, Venezuelan's ect. They don't relate to the poor fugker walking through Sasabe. They typically view those types as beneath them behind closed doors but they will use them as pawns because a lot of them lean left. AOC types. Yes, others have seen the devastation their corrupt governments created but that is not always the case.

Eastern Euro's are a whole other story. They're mostly here to sell drugs to your daughters and enslave prostitutes LOL.

Asians are usually very patriotic and appreciative of everything our country offers if they came here illegally. A lot of the students (legal) come from very wealthy families and lean hard, hard left.

I know nobody will read this but I typed it out anyway.

Originally Posted by Geno67
Trump being classless,tasteless and clueless as usual.
Originally Posted by Judman
Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.
Originally Posted by KSMITH
My young wife decided to play the field and had moved several dudes into my house