Originally Posted by hookeye
Ya got me. I never shot a 300-60x
Ran a single spot and hung mid 90s w around 30x.
Started low target too back in the overdraw days.
Practice for 3D.

Never considered shooting indoors serious.
Didnt like the crowd.

3D got a bunch of pricks in it and wasnt worth it either.

With excruciating pain and giving up recurve i got wheels and tried to keep score.......this after years of just recurve and hunting. Struggle due to pain......wanted to see how bad i had gotten. 270s. Pathetic. Was soon after the pain so bad i couldnt shoot 60 arrows. Fought to do 30

Wrong Thread, but I am tracking you. Not trying to get you. Mid 90's 30X's is far above an average archery hunter. Provided you are speaking wheels and release it would be lower to middle end of competition. If speaking wheels and fingers that would be stellar shooting. But nobody shoots wheels and fingers anymore. Well I do but very few of us left. Funny how archery was the game hunters wanted to get into to hunt up close and personal and now it has become how far of a shot can I get off on game. The archery hunters haven't become better shooters and in my opinion have become lesser hunters.

As for shooting league, tournaments, 3D There are Ahole's in everything. I know a lot of great guys that shoot leagues and tournaments. Guys that want to see you succeed and want to help the new guy or guy struggling. I think the Ahole's go with every sport, it is a mindset of I am not supposed to like my competition. I grew up shooting around some of the best and one that got caught cheating! A few of those can be Ahole's and I see it when they are out and about, but there are a bunch that are just good guys if you take the time to get to now them. I have never let bad people stop me from doing something I want to do. Anyways it is winder then all hell out today my targets weren't looking pretty.

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.