Originally Posted by Valsdad
Originally Posted by ol_mike
Originally Posted by jaguartx
If he is outside prison he will be dead in 2 days.

Jag ,

You think a guy like epstein might have a plan 'if anything happens to me all info. on EVERYBODY gets dumped to the world '. I would .

Does he have relatives? children?

If so, he would likely be told to call his attorney and have any evidence/info gets torched or his loved ones suffer horribly too.

Assuming 'Arkincide" is reality


No one in his family is going to get wacked if he sings. Billionares like this already have their own private little army's to protect them. And, the washed up Clintons who took money from foreign countries and couldn't deliver have their own backs to watch. The perv might be realizing he is not going to buy his way out of this and tries to off himself.