I'll never tire of winning. Donaldus Magnus is just getting started. He has weeded out the feckless RINO weasels in the House of Representatives and will replace them with strong supporters of his proposed legislation in 2020. That will give him a House and Senate that will streamline the legislative process and put into place laws that will cement the wins he has orchestrated through executive orders. He will also, more than likely replace RBG on the supreme court, which will cement the conservative element of the court for decades to come. Those two things . . . strong conservative and pro American Free Enterprise legislative policy and the supreme court will be the real wins that our children and grand children can look back on for many decades. I would not be surprised to see further tax and spending cuts signed into law as well. He has already promised to seek significant spending cuts in his next term. He doesn't make promises that he does not intend to keep. KAG!

"All that the South has ever desired was that the Union, as established by our forefathers, should be preserved, and that the government, as originally organized, should be administered in purity and truth." – Robert E. Lee