I have a few sets of bighorn sheep horn slabs that I'd be willing to part with. I sent a set of bighorn sheep horns to Paul Persinger and had him cut them up into slabs. Then I had each set stabilized so they'd be impervious to use. The slabs have really nice black and white contrast with Paul's outline on the inside for how the grip set would be cut out. These would probably be great for a semi-auto but I had them made with SAA-type revolvers in mind. Paul said that two or three of the slab sets would not be big enough for a SAA but could work for something like a bird's head grip set. I'll be keeping a set for myself but I don't need all of these. I will take some photos soon showing the slab sets next to a ruler for scale. I have a chunk of money tied up in these but after trying to find this material for my revolvers I decided to use the blunt instrument approach and get plenty. Because of my sunk investment a slab set won't be inexpensive but I can guarantee you'd have a hard time finding any sets that would be better than these. Let me know (via PM) if you might be interested and I'll post photos soon. Slab sets will range in price from $350 to $100 depending on size primarily.