Read all the posts, can't say I disagree with much. Video games are very violent, do they make people act out their fantasy world? I don't know. One thing I do know is that history has shown us that Socialists will do anything to further their cause Socialism, total control of the population and the assets of the population. Eventual communism. Look at who advocates these forms of enslavement , to people who are guaranteed freedom by their constitution. It is that simple, who is in this country right now advocating upheaval and change to socialism and you have the people responsible for the atrocities of mass shooting. They roar and scream about the " guns" but it's people who were influenced by the left that did the acts and atrocities to achieve their goals. Seems simple to me not really sure why it isn't obvious to others. MB

" Cheapest velocity in the world comes from a long barrel and I sure do like them. MB "