I love my Russell Turtle skin boots and the Danners are not bad either just hotter. I leave the top open when it is hot and not too bad even for dove hunting. I like that I can concentrate on hunting instead of having to watch my step. I think I have only seen two rattlers when deer hunting but sure do see them on spring turkey hunts and when setting up blinds. My closest calls have all been with Copperheads and Water Moccasin. I have stepped on them, had them slither down my back, and have had a copperhead join us on a picnic blanket when I was preoccupied with my girl friend.

The snake boots are the go to for any thorny country which is all of South & West Texas, the added snake insurance is nice too. In Wyoming I would only be concerned while putting on a crawl for Antelope. That sure could blow a stalk.

"When you disarm the people, you commence to offend them and show that you distrust them either through cowardice or lack of confidence, and both of these opinions generate hatred." Niccolo Machiavelli