Well, so much for the concept of checks and balances based on three branches of government.

This is more proof that the Left regards the Constitution as an impediment to their designs rather than a protection for individual rights. They talk about "rights" all the time, but they want to decide what they are, rather than deal with a pre-determined list that interferes with their power over us. The Framers, realizing that times change, created a mechanism that allows the Constitution to be modified, but wisely made that process cumbersome and difficult so the core principles wouldn't constantly be at risk from political flights of fancy. This drives these control-freak bastards crazy, because they want their New Venezuela now, not later.

Like someone said above, the next election is STILL about the Court, because everything comes down to that in the end. There's no one else who can be counted on to appoint originalist justices but Donald Trump. Just look at what the Bush family wrought with their moderate approach to this. We don't need balance on the Court, we need people who can read and follow clear language.

What fresh Hell is this?