Originally Posted by kellory
Originally Posted by gophergunner
What's mead guys? I've heard of it, but have no idea what it is. Some kind of alcohol? Thanks for all the great replies guys.

Mead is fermented fruit and honey, with added spices. It comes in a lot of various flavors depending upon what fruit and honey were used. (Clover honey is very different from buckwheat honey, or orange blossom honey, ect. )
It is a sweet white table wine or sorts, and a particular favorite of mine.
I had friends in college who made it, and they had a ten year waiting list for a single bottle.

A minor correction:

Mead is made purely with honey. I don't know about adding spices, though I suppose it's still mead

However add fruit to a mead before fermentation and you get a Melomel. Add grapes to ferment, and it's a Pyment. Pears and honey get you a Perry.