Great deal seems like i paid about $65-70 for mine maybe three years ago .
Hotting mine up right now fat ribeye going in in shortly .

The set makes a great deep dish pizza pie , get the top hotterNhades oven up high , room temp deep skillet-lay in a crust , cover with sauce [meat flavor ragu] , onions garlic banana pepper , lots of ground beef & pork, CHEESE , sauce , beef , pepperoni- sauce -cheese- sauce- pineapple - sausage , . Open oven door set deep dish on door grab hotterNhades top place on top of deep pan - put in oven for 25 minutes , remove lift off top pan put cubed ribeye steak on top - put back in oven until steak looks good .
Cold beer or a big sas of redwine - get fat - slice of Heaven once you master the times with 'your' oven .

PS don't get sauce on black skillet the tomatoe will remove the seasoning .

PRESIDENT TRUMP 2024/2028 !!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.