My dad died 3/3/16 at 0142. I flew across the country all day to get there around supper time. I was the last of the kids to arrive. He was pretty out of it but obviously knew I was there. It was a real blessing to be able to leave nothing unsaid to him. I thanked him for all the years of taking the time to make sure I was included in hunting and fishing and for being such a good source of advice. When he died we were all gathered around him, with me and one of my younger sisters holding his hands. I still think of things I wish I could ask him.

The last five months were pretty rough for him as he was a bed ridden invalid. In October of 2015 when he first really went downhill it looked as though he might go quick so the wife and I took the kids for one last visit. One afternoon he said to me "Go get the Winchester, I want to give it to that boy." I knew immediately which Winchester he meant. I grabbed a camera along with the rifle. I was able to video dad giving my then 8 year old his favorite rifle, a Model 70 Winlite .270. With a shaky voice he told stories of some of the more memorable times afield with the rifle and handed it off to my little guy, saying "Just think of me sometimes when you use this."