Wayne has furnished plenty of ammo to those who despise us. Paddler would have no case if Wayne and his fellow looters hadn't furnished him the rocks he is throwing. Before now the detractors of 2nd amendment rights only served to strengthen our cause in the same way flag burners increased respect for the flag by good citizens.The NRA can only be taken down by the rot within, not the enemies without. I am real irate that we have been let down at such a time the gun owning rights of law abiding citizens are in such peril. The see no evil, hear no evil mindset of enough NRA members I fear will render the organization virtually powerless in the upcoming struggle for 2020. There is a September NRA board meeting in Alaska of all places but I'm afraid any dissent will be quashed and the purge of any reformists in the organization will continue until the board is totally neutered.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."