I don't buy much ammo at Walmart. I reload for all my centerfire hunting rifles, buy the 223-5.56 stuff by the case through my LGS, and am still shooting up 22's that I have had hoarded up for years. About the only ammo I've bought at Walmart has been a few shotgun shells, and maybe a few 22's to replace what I shot up from my stash. I buy my handgun ammo through the LGS as well.

But, I still hate to see Walmart doing what they are, because I'm afraid it's going to set a trend for other stores. It's a free country, and they have the right to run their business as they wish to. Years ago, I bought some Walmart stock, and it's been a very good investment, wish I'd bought more. I'll still shop at Walmart, because while I think they're a hasty business decision, I'm not going to spend half a day in town driving from store to store, when I can stop at one place and get what I need.

I grew up in the era of the mom and pop stores, where they knew you, and you knew them. At one time, the small rural community down the road from me had 5 small country stores, and 2 gas stations. Today, there are none, as the last one closed almost 10 years ago. We live in a changing world, very few things ever remain the same, and that is especially true when it comes to our shopping. The big stores such as Walmart offered shoppers many things that the mom and pop stores could not, including the biggest thing off all, lower prices. People usually go where they get the best bang for their buck, and that means places like Walmart.

Anyway, being very politically incorrect myself, I hate to see Walmart trying to be politically correct, as it will accomplish absolutely nothing in the end. When the big discount stores quit selling ammo, the prices will only go up, and I hate that part of it. I guess I'd better start hoarding 22's again.