PC here, Win 10, Firefox w/ Adblock.

That up button is a mysterious creature. Occasionally it shows up above the title bar, at the very top of the page. Sometimes it can not be found at all. But I have not seen it at the bottom of any page. But no matter, I learned years ago how to hold the cursor near the top or bottom of a scroll bar then hold the left click and and almost instantaneously travel up or down.

Home is at the bottom of the page, it takes me straight to the "Firefox Home Page", imagine that.

No bitchin' here. Rick provides the site for free, and I was taught to never look a gift horse in the mouth.

Someone mentioned getting rid of the right side bar, and making the thread full page width. I might try that on the laptop if I could find the controls. On the desk top, I am using a 32 inch TV for a monitor. There is enough real estate for sectioning and running four tabs at once, if one so desired.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.