This is all just more proof that Liberalism IS a mental disorder!

Off topic (slightly), but I quit a 30 year career in NYC Advertising because I was SURROUNDED by the Liberal/Alphabet crowd. I now make my living (at 25% of what I used to make annually) at a gun shop in the suburbs, and I’ve NEVER been happier.

A buddy (right politically, fellow hunter) that STILL works in the NYC Advertising Industry called me the other day, and he said his boss was shutting down the company for the day (a small, privately owned editing company of about 30 +\- people), so “everyone” could go support EW (aka Pochahontas), when she spoke in downtown Manhattan. He went home.

LIEberalism TRULY IS a mental disorder! -TomT

"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help"