All of my WWII friends I can think of are gone. Dad, Stepdad, uncles, friends, all gone. I have two Korean Conflict vet friends I can think of, still here. I miss them all. Very few of my Dad's employees were non vets as I grew up. Dad was an Air Force Bombardier Navigator instructor and was given a two week leave prior to going to England. A few days before leaving, VE day happened and he was sent to an airbase in Iowa and discharged. I think I still have a photo of him remarked as the 10,000th discharge after the war. Crazy numbers. I lost the last remaining personal friend, WWII vet, early this summer. It was quite a loss for me as he was equivalent to my Dad for many years, Dad having left us in '74. I have lots of friends from the Viet Nam era but lots from of them have gone also from old injuries and Agent Orange. I have a 103 year old lady friend, took her communion two Sundays ago, She's a breath of fresh air compared to the young punks I work with as officers in corrections. They don't have what I consider American values. But I do have lots of friends I highly value at work who are vets from both sand box affairs. Some great guys. I'm old enough to have had the honor of knowing many great vets. I miss them all. God speed and God Bless all you guys and gals. See you on the other side. Be Well. Rustyzipper

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. Winston Churchill.