I agree that the hard-core left will stay focused on diminishing our gun rights and probably never quit, but also think that this current wider surge is a timed process consisting of several integrated events - primarily intended with some political gains in mind. 2020 is a big election in more than one way, and the Dems are rather void of strong winning issues/strategies, so the "gun" issues are opportune. They have realized that, despite the supposedly helpful furor about recent "mass" shootings, they are not going to gain much at all in the current political arena.

Yes, the hard-core always are thinking about the next ploy, but history shows that such efforts are not highly sustainable over time at the national level and legal victories supporting the 2nd Amendment have discouraged them. However, the creeping strategy of working within individual (and politically friendly) state governments has worked for them to an extent and I think that the effort will go back to that strategy once this current surge has run its course. Alertness and in-state resistance will be very important.

NRA Member - Life, Benefactor, Patron