I honestly don't see what the fuss is about if all that is being discussed is a unit of measurement. In the end, one can call it what he wants and it is still a unit of measurement. If you have a scope on which the adjustments are marked in "glorps", with twelve glorps making a "fliggle", the end result is the same. Only the name has changed. Now, if one is speaking of the difference between using a scope with crosshairs or a single dot, as opposed to a scope with a whole bunch of dots, then there is a difference in how a problem is approached but, again, it doesn't matter what the unit of measurement is. It only matters that you are able to hold or dial for range and condition. When I'm on the silohuette range, I know I have to come up ten minutes from my 200m setting to hit a ram (hopefully). If the alternative is to come up 2.5 mils, the bullet won't care, the ram (which has about a fifty/fifty chance of being safe either way) won't care, the universe won't care. The only difference is in my mind. I happen to not care for reticles with a whole bunch of dots, hash marks, or printed instructions. I am perfectly happy with a simple reticle for hunting or target use and it doesn't much matter to me if the adjustments are in minutes, mils, or glorps, once I know just how far the measurement is. My only desire is that the bullet hit the point of aim; the rest is just crap. GD