Originally Posted by gregintenn
Originally Posted by Paddler
Originally Posted by bigsqueeze
Originally Posted by Paddler
Well,I read today that Trump met with La Pierre recently. Maybe Trump was asking for their help with this whole impeachment thing. As you are no doubt aware, the NRA spent $30 million last election in support of the crook in the White House. Don't know how much of that money came from Russia vs your hard earned membership dues. Doesn't matter really, commie money is commie money. But, it doesn't appear that the NRA can help Trump now given their current "difficulties". However, even if they could, it's likely they see Trump as a liability, or maybe even a lost cause. Nice to see both Trump and the NRA are going down. I certainly hope they suffer mightily for their respective sins.
............Ok dummy....Name all of the specific crimes Trump has committed and cite the statutes to back you up....

Otherwise your case means NOTHING!!!!

Here's the whistleblower complaint. Read it:


Here's an article detailing the findings of the IG of the GSA, which plainly states the GSA ignored the Constitution and Trump's lease violates the emoluments clause:


And, of course, the Executive Summary of Part 2 of the Mueller Report. You can look it up for yourself, as well as the statutes he has violated. The foregoing is not meant to be taken as a complete list of his wronging. That would take far too long. Looking forward to your reasonable and fact based response.

Who is this whistleblower? Adam Schiff? I hear he plays a mean skin flute.

Just read the report, then compare it to the summary released by the WH.

The true hunter counts his achievement in proportion to the effort involved and the fairness of the sport. Saxton Pope