Yep, a good reminder. Hope he has a speedy recovery.

People forget how dangerous they can be. Good friend's wife was driving down the dirt road by their farm about a month ago. She was letting her 7 yr old grandson "Drive" while she sat behind him. He got too close to the ditch and the soft sand caught the front tire and rolled them over. Threw him from the ATV, but it rolled over on her and was upside down on top of her. She lost consciousness and they were over a mile from the house. Grandson ran all the way back and found my friend.

By the time he got there, she was awake and alert, but still trapped and the ATV had also been leaking fuel and oil all over her. She ended up with a broken pelvic bone and arm and had a brain bleed. Bruised up insides pretty bad too. Spent couple of days in ICU, but is home on the mend now.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." - Ronald Reagan