This guy has a history of arguing with people who are illegally using the handicapped spot.
I have a good friend up in Iowa, I went to visit him in May, and we went to the grocery store, he parked in the handicapped and we went into the store.
And I said "Jeff you aren't handicapped why do you park here?" He had a little sign that he had hung from the mirror.
Well, his wife had been in a wreck in December, she was all banged up and she got the handicapped sign, it was good for a year. In fact his wife was OK after 2 months, but Jeff just decided he would use the sign until it expired this December. Jeff has gotten his knees banged up playing football, he limps but, he is not handicapped.

I didn't bitch him out, I didn't say anything. I wouldn't do this. But Jeff does it. He is not a bum or a parasite but he is illegally using the handicapped. At least one forum member here has admitted to illegally using the handicapped space.
And I have seen plenty of people parking in handicapped that just hopped out of their car, and walked unimpeded right into the store. The handicapped spots get abused left and right.

If your mission in life is to go out and defend the handicapped spots of the world, you have put yourself on a fool's errand. This guy was looking for trouble and he found it.