Originally Posted by UPhiker
Originally Posted by local_dirt

Your dumb phugkedness marches on.

The good news? I'm still me and can buy any gun I want anytime I want and go wherever I want with whom I want. And you're still some jealous little phugk.

Enjoy the view from your single-wide. Laughing.
I'm the "dumb phug"? You're the one bragging about buying guns and don't even know what you have. You're the one so clueless that the cable locks and plastic cases didn't give you a hint. I can buy a gun anytime I want, also. For a lot cheaper than you can. I work in the business. The last Benelli M2 I bought new cost me less than $900. Oh, I don't live in a single wide. More like a one year old, 100sf, fully paid for house. Now go back to being a good little incel.
100 Square foot house? That's the size of my bathroom.