Had a PM when I booted up the laptop this morning. It was a troll letting me know that some of my remarks had hit home and that he had feelings.

Once again, against my better judgement, I replied and suggested that he might simply act like a regular guy.

Got another PM from the same troll this afternoon. He tells me what a regular guy he really is. He claims that his actions are the result of his hurt feelings here when he first posted and someone didn't treat him with the respect that he deserved.

So now he butterflies from thread to thread schitting on other's posts.

Anyone else here have any hurt feelings they wanna act out on?

Anyone else here believe that they can act on all of their feelings and be a regular bitch guy?

Trolls aint regular guys.

Trolls aint regular guys

Trolls AINT regular guys...

I know I'm likely pissing in the wind, here. I know that some of you think this stuff is entertaining or funny.
Leave the troll alone. Don't answer. Don't respond. Don't look.

It'll be a better place

"Chances Will Be Taken"