Arrows do funny things. In 2014 I had been watching a 150" buck from a hay bale pop up blind. He was in a tree line for two straight days about 100 yards from me. Last night of the hunt about 10 minutes before legal light was ending, I belly crawled down to the tree line when he walked deeper into the woods. I stood up behind an oak and waited. A minute or two later I hear running coming at me. I draw the bow back and a doe runs 20 yards in front of me and the buck was not far behind. I made a noise, he stopped, and the arrow hit him like a thunder bolt. He ran off with the arrow having stuck him in what looked like a perfect double lung shot (sticking out both sides). We decided to back out and come back the next day. The next day, we found tons of blood, the arrow, and a long blood trail but never him. Long story short we got him on video two weeks later. I hunted him the next season but no luck. The third season, I downed him opening day. I looked all over his hide for the arrow scar but it was hard to tell which scar was from my arrow and frankly, my .270 hit him about where I think the arrow hit him. I suspect I hit him just below the spine, just above the lung in that "no mans land" area in 2014. Anyway, he had 14 inch G2's and is one of my favorite bucks on the wall.