I had one a number of years ago in my leg. Right in the meaty part of the thigh. It was from plywood, and when I tried to pull it out, it broke. No way was I going to dig in that far to get it out. It got infected/ filled with pus. I would change the bandage each day, and squeeze the pus out. Eventually the swelling went down, and no more pus, but never saw the splinter. There still seemed to be a hard spot there. Maybe a half year later I was squeezing around on that spot, and out comes a splinter! It about scared me when it popped out. It was maybe an inch long, and had gone straight down. All that to say that the body is amazingly resilient (if you are healthy) and can do amazing things. I am not recommending that at all, just mentioned it as an anecdote illustrating that i think sometimes we worry more about things than we should!

......the occasional hunter wielding a hopelessly inaccurate rifle, living by the fantastical rule that this cartridge can deliver the goods, regardless of shot placement or rifle accuracy. The correct term for this is minute of ego.