Originally Posted by walt501
The bailouts where a UAW bailout more than anything else. The note holders and everyone else took it in the azz.
The big three are a complete joke and produce absolute garbage blinged out with electronic gizmos and sold by massive rebaits, cheap finance etc. The resale on a big three vehicle also sucks, which is very telling.
I can get employee pricing on Chrysler and GM vehicles and I will not by another one of those piles of junk at any price.

Would you care to back up even a single word of what you said with any empirical evidence? Go ahead, I'll wait.

In the meantime, chew on this - Toyota is a parasite of the automotive industry.

The Toyota Tundra was developed by taking apart a Ram truck by their engineers in a Seattle warehouse.

Ford was first to market with an infotainment system (SYNC) under suspected pressure from the government to come up with a completely hands free system to control all functions of an auto without taking your hands off the wheel. It didn't work well, but FORD LED THE WAY and today their infotainment system is the best in the business. Asian automakers copied Ford, but their systems still don't work as well as the Ford SYNC, but you never hear about that.

Look, these endless troll topics - and they ARE troll topics - are becoming nauseating. Every week it's "should I buy an ugly Yota" or "should I get a copy cat Honda ATV". This site has a section to discuss both trucks and ATV's, but the TROLLS must get their TROLL topic in front of as may people as possible in order to advertise in the forums.

Looked at another way, Ford sells 7 F150's for every Tundra so we should see way more discussion in the forum about Ford, but the TROLLS make sure it's Toyota you see every week in the forum. I'm going to keep calling out the Trolls so get used to it.

You mad, Bro?

Don't be mad, Bro!

The guy's happy about his brand new truck! He's not trolling, congrats to him! Let the man have some enjoyment with his shiny new truck, jeesh!

I've owned every model/make in my lifetime except Nissan. They all had problems, including my 2007 Tundra, which I'm still driving and am very happy with. It's a great truck, I liked all the others I had too.