Another question.

I've been reading up on single sage vs. two stage compressors for a/c. The single stage types focus on cooling a house down quickly at the expense of more energy consumption, while the two stage is a bit slower to cool but then slows down to keep the room cool, the benefit being lower energy usage. as I go into retirement the idea of lower operating costs is definitely appealing since electric bills keep going up and up.

Given that I have a one story 1100 sq. ft. house, albeit the main room has a 12 foot ceiling, could I expect a really significant decrease in energy usage?

Have been getting bids on 13-14 SEER single stage units but a slightly larger initial cost offset by long term reduction in electric bills is a good trade to me, if the actual reduction is significant.

Added: Only have two bids so far, getting two more today, but one for a York a/c furnace combo is offering a 10 year parts and 10 year labor warranty. Apparently York normally only offers a 5 year parts warranty but is running this special through December. Reviews show the York costs a bit more on average than competing brands but the outdoor unit is extremely rugged and should last a very long time.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!