Originally Posted by Gus
Originally Posted by lvmiker
Rulers that think they are tough like to take stuff away from the weak. Eventually they run into some folks that actually are tough and get their azzes handed to them. Human nature ad nauseum.

mike r

we've come to this point in our selective evolution of humans on the urth.

some nearly 200 countries. we've pretty much fought our way to this point.

the fermentation and distillation of the human ideologies continue on forward.

the hammurabi code, the magna carta, the english kings, america becoming taxable.

You try to make the nature of man too complicated. If my force is greater than your force I get to make the rules, until yet a greater force comes along. Religion? philosophy? politics? All are dominated by the ability to apply the greater force at a given time and/or place.

mike r

Don't wish it were easier
Wish you were better

Stab them in the taint, you can't put a tourniquet on that.
Craig Douglas ECQC