The Catholic thing and the Freemasons remind me back in the 1990's I was making my way back East from the Western Pacific, I just finished 6 months on a Tuna Boat flying helicopters. There was a Catholic Priest collecting donations for an Orphanage that he ran. So I gave him 20 bucks. He notices my ring, and just asked what lodge! I told him, he told me that he gets the most support from the Lodges in the Valley. I was not surprised. I talked with him for a bit I had a long wait for my connections. Then again I remember back when the Soviet Union was still around, they had a burn victim they could not deal with it was closer to Anchorage so the kid was flown there, they could not handle it either so then sent him to the burn center of the Shiners Hospital in Galveston, TX they took care of the child and put up the parents and made sure they had some walking around money took almost a year. At the time if you were a Freemason in Russia you got to prison. That had to be about 34 or 35 years ago. Most of the talk you hear about the Fraternity is bullshit, pay no mind.

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov